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Perspektif : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika
ISSN : 14118637     EISSN : 25501178     DOI : -
Core Subject : Science, Social,
Jurnal Perspektif pertama kali diterbitkan pada tahun 2013. Jurnal ini dimaksudkan sebagai media kajian ilmiah hasil penelitian, pemikiran dan kajian analisis kritis mengenai penelitian di Bidang Ilmu Sistem Informasi, Manajemen dan Ekonomi. Jurnal Perspektif menerbitkan 2 (dua) jurnal dalam setiap tahunnya, yaitu terbit di bulan Maret dan September. Jurnal Perspektif sebagai bagian dari semangat menyebarluaskan ilmu pengetahuan hasil dari penelitian dan pemikiran untuk pengabdian pada masyarakat luas. Situs Jurnal Perspektif menyediakan artikel-artikel jurnal untuk diunduh secara gratis. Jurnal kami adalah jurnal ilmiah nasional yang merupakan sumber referensi akademisi di bidang Ilmu Komputer dan Manajemen.
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Perspektif : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen Akademi Bina Sarana Informatika Vol 16, No 1 (2018): Maret 2018
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (199.741 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jp.v16i1.2627


Abstract  –  UPK-BKM Gintung Kerta Karawang desperately need the existence of information systems that support in the process of fund loan services. therefore the author will discuss about the design of information systems loan at UPK-BKM Gintung Kerta Karawang.UPK BKM Gintung Kerta is a financial management unit at the Community Self-Help Agency which directly receives the PNPM-Mandiri Community Direct Fund (BLM) fund from the central level to be managed and distributed to the communities around the UPK area. Where the data processing is still using manual way bookkeeping, so it takes a long time in running the transaction processThe loan information system is the right solution to solve the problems of UPK-BKM Gintung Kerta Karawang, with the existence of the loan information system funds, will greatly assist the UPK in carrying out its duties and facilitate in solving problems that exist at the institution such as samples of data collection of borrowers, as well as with a computerized program can facilitate and accelerate the existing process so as to achieve effective and efficient activities
Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT Media Intan Semesta Jakarta Erri, Dirgahayu; Fajrin, Ashri Nur
Perspektif : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen Akademi Bina Sarana Informatika Vol 16, No 1 (2018): Maret 2018
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (267.359 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jp.v16i1.3228


Human resources is one of the factors that must be present and relatively more important than other factors, the Company should be able to increase employee motivation, employee motivation can have an impact on the achievement of coorporate goals. Employees are motivated to satisfy his need for work even harder the impact on the resulting performance becomes more optimal. PT Media Intan Semesta Jakarta is one of the companies engaged in the field of technology (IT). to win the competition takes motivation to work optimally so have employees with good performance in order to achieve company goals can be met. In this study, the authors use a quantitative methodology that uses statistical data SPSS V.22 author using 33 samples from 50 populations that are the result of a calculation formula slovin. It can be concluded that the influence of motivation on employee performance work PT Media Intan Semesta Jakarta can be seen from the results calculation correlation coefficient 0.891 meaning work motivation and performance of employees have a very strong relationship. 0,794 coefficient determination means the percentage work motivational influence on employee performance to 79,4% the remaining 20.6% is influenced by other factors not authors carefully. At a value of regression equation a (constants) 1,165 dan value of b coefficient 0.967. Keywords: Work Motivation, Employee Performance
Implementasi Fungsi Manajemen Pendidikan Di SDIT Wirausaha Indonesia Komariah, Nur
Perspektif : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen Akademi Bina Sarana Informatika Vol 16, No 1 (2018): Maret 2018
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (471.728 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jp.v16i1.3216


Untuk membangun sebuah organisasi termasuk organisasi sekolah, manajemen sangatlah penting keberadaannya. Tidak sedikit sekolah yang mengalami kemunduran bahkan sampai mengalami kebangkrutan dikarenakan oleh manajemen yang buruk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis: (1) Manajemen kurikulum dan pembelajaran; (2) Manajemen peserta didik; (3) Manajemen pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan; (4) Manajemen sarana dan prasarana; (5) Manajemen pembiayaan di SDIT Wirausaha Indonesia. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1. Manajemen kurikulum dan pembelajaran di SDIT Wirausaha Indonesia dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan fungsi manajemen POAC. 2. Manajemen peserta didik sudah berjalan dengan baik. 3. Manajemen pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan sudah dilaksanakan baik berdasarkan fungsi manajemen. 4) Manajemen Sarana dan prasarana sudah sesuai dengan standar pengelolaan. 5) Manajemen Pembiayaan dikelola secara akuntabilitas.
Analisis Penilaian Kepuasan Pelayanan Hotel Pelanggan Traveloka (Studi Kasus Hotel di Area Malioboro Yogyakarta) Supeno, Wangsit
Perspektif : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen Akademi Bina Sarana Informatika Vol 16, No 1 (2018): Maret 2018
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (178.053 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jp.v16i1.3050


Abstract - Rapid advances in information technology really help consumers in determining the best options including Transact quickly and easily on line. One of the agents of the service provider based on well-known line is Traveloka. Facilities provided by the Traveloka through the Traveloka site, one of which relates to service information three star hotel located in the area of Malioboro Yogyakarta. From the Traveloka website, and the image information can be acquired early on hotels that will be targeted, either from the side of the price or the quality of service in the form of reviews and rating the satisfaction experience hotel guests who had been staying there. In compiling this research, the author examines the factors of customer satisfaction Traveloka who have used the services of 10 three-star hotel located in the area of Malioboro Yogyakarta, based on data in the site Traveloka on 6 January 2018. Based on data from the site traveloka, it can be assessed that the average guest satisfaction rating out of 10 three-star hotel in the Malioboro Yogyakarta area overall is 8.5 with very good. Based on the share of service satisfaction, the hotel's guests were satisfied with the location of the hotel as much as 42.9%, 19%, hospitality room hygiene 17%, 19.2% food and the convenience of 2%. With the reviews of the hotel guest experience that is listed in the site Traveloka, then the next hotel, prospective users can easily learn the advantages and disadvantages a hotel that will be visited both in the service as well as price before determining a selection of the best. Key word : Service Satisfaction, Customer Pesatnya kemajuan teknologi informasi sangat membantu konsumen dalam menentukan pilihan yang terbaik termasuk melakukan transaksi dengan mudah dan cepat secara on line. Salah satu perusahaan agen penyedia layanan jasa berbasis on line yang cukup terkenal adalah Traveloka. Fasilitas yang disediakan oleh Traveloka melalui situs Traveloka, salah satunya berhubungan dengan informasi layanan hotel bintang tiga yang berlokasi di area Malioboro Yogyakarta. Dari situs Traveloka tersebut, dapat diperoleh informasi dan gambaran awal tentang hotel yang akan dituju, baik dari sisi harga maupun kualitas pelayanan dalam bentuk rating dan ulasan kepuasan pengalaman para tamu hotel yang telah menginap di sana. Dalam menyusun penelitian ini, penulis meneliti faktor kepuasan pelanggan Traveloka yang telah menggunakan jasa layanan 10 hotel bintang tiga yang berlokasi di area Malioboro Yogyakarta, berdasarkan data dalam situs Traveloka pada tanggal 6 Januari 2018. Berdasarkan data dari situs traveloka, dapat dinilai bahwa rata-rata rating kepuasan tamu dari 10 hotel bintang tiga di area Malioboro Yogyakarta secara keseluruhan adalah 8,5 dengan predikat Sangat Baik. Berdasarkan porsi kepuasan pelayanan, tamu hotel yang merasa puas dengan lokasi hotel sebanyak 42,9%, keramahan 19%, kebersihan kamar 17%, makanan 19,2% dan kenyamanan 2%. Dengan adanya ulasan pengalaman tamu hotel yang tercantum dalam situs Traveloka, maka calon pengguna hotel berikutnya, dapat dengan mudah mempelajari kelebihan dan kekurangan hotel yang akan dikunjungi baik dari sisi pelayanan maupun harga sebelum menentukan pilihan yang terbaik.Kata Kunci : Kepuasan Pelayanan, Pelanggan
Perspektif : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen Akademi Bina Sarana Informatika Vol 16, No 1 (2018): Maret 2018
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (522.428 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jp.v16i1.2493


Learning media is a tool used to convey learning materials as well as a tool to stimulate thoughts, feelings, attention and interest to learn. As in the case of waste knowledge, the fact is that some people are still unable to understand the types of waste and how to use them into useful handicrafts. This is because some of the information media is still less clear and detailed in the delivery of information about garbage so that the community is difficult to understand. This is one of the factors that cause the decreasing of public interest in processing waste waste into handicraft items. Limitations of this means that encourage authors to design interactive educational media-based educational information along with interesting visual illustrations and easy to understand about everything about waste and its management into handicrafts with value for use. The purpose of the interactive animation design created by the author is to help the community to more easily understand about waste, impact and how to make it into handicraft goods through interactive multimedia, attract people to learn more in developing creative ideas making handicrafts made from waste waste and as an alternative to learning the manufacture of handicrafts in addition to using the article media. Keywords: Interactive Animation, Trash, Crafts
Perspektif : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen Akademi Bina Sarana Informatika Vol 16, No 1 (2018): Maret 2018
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (95.164 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jp.v16i1.3106


SG cibubur alternativ learning guidance in improving the performance of the tutor should pay attention to severalways, one of the most important thing is compensation. A good compensation pay mentmethod will have an impacton the performance of the tutor. If the performance of the tutor is good then it will have a good impact also in the quality of learning guidance agencies. At this time the method of payment of compensation using the transfer system. The payment with the transfer system has some disadvantages compared to the payment method of cash payment system implemented in the period until 2016. Therefore with this research may be able to provide a solution which the method of payment of compensation is the most ideal tutor for the tutor.Keywords: Compensation, Performance, Tutor
Perspektif : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen Akademi Bina Sarana Informatika Vol 16, No 1 (2018): Maret 2018
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (85.548 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jp.v16i1.2361


Perencanaan merupakan proses dasar dimana manajemen memutuskan tujuan dan cara mencapainya. Perencanaan terjadi di semua tipe kegiatan. Perencanaan merupakan salah satu dari empat fungsi manajemen yang penting dan saling terkait satu sama lain. Perencanaan memiliki fungsi yang sangat penting. Dikarenakan pentingnya, jika perencanaan tidak baik, maka tidak baik pula seluruh pelaksanaan seluruh fungsi manajemen dalam perusahaan. Pembahasan mengenai perencanaan, tentu saja kita dihadapkan pada pertanyaan apakah suatu rencana berjalan dengan baik atau tidak. Dengan adanya perencanaan strategis ini maka konsepsi perusahaan menjadi jelas sehingga akan memudahkannya dalam memformulasikan sasaran serta rencana-rencana lain dan dapat mengarahkan sumber-sumber organisasi secara efektif dan efisien. Perencanaan strategis adalah proses perencanaan jangka panjang yang formal untuk menentukan dan mencapai tujuan organisasi. Perencanaan strategis merupakan perencanaan yang dirancang untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi secara keseluruhan, yaitu untuk mengimplementasikan misi organisasi dimana dengan misi itulah satu-satunya alasan eksistensi organisasi tersebut. Model-model perencanaan strategis diaplikasikan di bidang usaha (bisnis) karena diperlukan untuk merencanakan perusahaan secara efektif dalam mengelola masa depan yang penuh dengan ketidakpastian.[K1] Kata Kunci: Perencanaan Strategis, Kinerja Perusahaan, Keunggulan Bersaing [K1]Buat 1 paragrap, panjang kata 150-200 kata dan dilengkapi dengan kata kunci. Begitupula untuk abstrak dalam bhs inggris.  Abstraksi memuat m 3 hal :latar belakang masalah, metode dan hasil yang diharapkan
Perspektif : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen Akademi Bina Sarana Informatika Vol 16, No 1 (2018): Maret 2018
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (253.392 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jp.v16i1.3120


ABSTRACT Mts Al Makmur Parungpanjang is the first junior high school to promote Islamic religious education and general knowledge. In MTs Al Makmur parungpanjang there is a phenomenon that concerns educators in schools and also parents where in the daily life of the wider community is well known ie social media (facebook) and gadgets. This study aims to test and analyze how big the impact of social media (facebook) and gadgets on student motivation in MTs Al-Makmur Parungpanjang. The survey method used in this study is by random sampling and calculate the questionnaire results that have been filled by students  by using slovin formula, where there are population for class VIII as many as 202 students and from that number obtained sample of 135 students. The results showed that social media (facebook) and gadgets impact simultaneously on students' motivation in MTs Al Makmur parungpanjang. The conclusion of this research is social media (facebook) and gadget is electronic media which become means in obtaining various information, both in the interest of education and also outside of education. Social media (facebook) and gadgets also contribute to the formation of the mindset and behavior of students in learning activities and activities outside the school, so it can be the attention of the school to its students to see the pattern of increased or decreased student learning motivation, therefore the required power better efforts of the school and parents as supervisors of student activities in order to create a good generation. Keywords: Social Media (facebook), Gadget and Student Motivation 
Perspektif : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen Akademi Bina Sarana Informatika Vol 16, No 1 (2018): Maret 2018
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (63.039 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jp.v16i1.2495


Abstract- Many factors in addition to promotional efforts, including in terms of service, price matching, also part of the leadership of the company to follow sales orders that are still open. Usaha Jaya Teknika is a company engaged in the sale bearing activities associated with the sale. In bearing sales companies, the administration is required to support continuation of work productivity. One supporting of the labor productivity is sales administration, because sales are   very important role among other activities. Customers most influential people in sales, because of the customer and the sales process will occur reciprocal relationship mutual benefit. By this author tries to make the final administrative procedures regarding the sale of Usaha Jaya Teknika, West Jakarta. Therefore, the   administrative procedures are very important for the customer sales, because sales  administrative procedures to facilitate  the sales order. With the sales of  structured procedure the  customers will be fulfilled. KeyWords: Administrative Procedures, Sales
Mengharmoniskan Hubungan Pelanggan Dengan Karyawan Melalui Kualitas Pelayanan Ditinjau Dari Kinerja PDAM Wilayah Kota Bekasi Utomo, Kurniawan Prambudi
Perspektif : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen Akademi Bina Sarana Informatika Vol 16, No 1 (2018): Maret 2018
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (602.631 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jp.v16i1.2997


Abstract - This study aims to analyze the influence of the sense of service quality, on the performance of PDAM Bekasi branch. This study aims to determine the effect of reliability, competence, responsive, accesbility and tangible of variables that exist in PDAM Kota Bekasi. The approach used in this research is survey and the type of research is descriptive quantitative. data collection technique by interview, circulate questionnaire to sample used is accident sampling method, sample in this research is 30 respondents and this research conducted during September-November 2017, to test hypothesis used multiple regression by doing assumption test of classical and variable dominant has a significant influence is reliability. Each the influence of variable reliability, competence, responsive, accesbility and tangible to performance is big enough that shows positive and significant value and coefficient value of deterininasi r square) obtained positive and siqnificant, this means that there are the independent variable is able to explain the dependent variable. keywords: reliability, competence, responsiveness, tangible, performance.

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